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Michigan, United States
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Mackinac County Court Cases.

Find your Mackinac County, Michigan court case information online.
Mackinac County was established in 1818. The county was formed from part of Wayne County. The county had been named Michilimackinac County until 1837. Mackinac County was named after Michilimackinac, which is believed to be a French interpretation of the Native American name for Mackinac Island, which means “big turtle”. The county has a total of 11113 residents, and makes up an area of 2,101 square miles. The county seat is in the city of St. Ignace.In 2016, the county reported a total of 428 automobile crashes (of which 12 were alcohol-related).

Civil Case Reports & Related Data

Last year, there were a total of 188 marriages processed by the county. There were 48 divorce cases processed by the county court system.

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Criminal Cases Reported in Mackinac County

In 2013, the following criminal case counts were reported in Mackinac County:

  • Violent Crimes: 304
  • Murder & Manslaughter: 0
  • Rape: 0
  • Robbery: 0
  • Aggrevated Assault:
  • Property Crime: 63
  • Burglary: 20
  • Larceny & Theft: 42
  • Motor Vehicle Theft: 1
  • Arson: 0